In the area of Irving, just east of Dallas Texas, there has recently been a tragic charter bus collision. A bus from the Cardinal Coach line was driving down the North Texas Highway in the Dallas area on Thursday April 11, when it suddenly flipped over onto its side. The bus was in route to Oklahoma CONTINUE READING →

On Saturday evening, March 23, 2013, there was a fatal car accident in College Station Texas. Two young victims have lost their lives, while five others had to be hospitalized for serious injuries. Investigators are speculating that the accident occurred as one pickup was backing out of the driveway of a home when another pickup came along CONTINUE READING →

Are you the victim of a crime or has your loved one been injured or killed as a result of a criminal act? If you answered yes to either question, then you may be eligible for compensation under the Crime Victims’ Compensation Fund. In Texas, criminals have to pay for their crimes, this means that CONTINUE READING →