Category: Personal Injury

When to File a Personal Injury Case

POSTED BY Welcome ON July 21, 2022

People suffer injuries every day from automobile accidents, falls, medical malpractice, defective products, animal attacks, crimes, and more. While criminal charges may stem from some of these cases, personal injury lawsuits are civil cases in which the plaintiff seeks financial awards from the defendant to cover medical bills and other expenses. When should you file CONTINUE READING →

Bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as every other vehicle on the roadway. If you ride a bike on the road, you must obey the same laws and deserve the same degree of caution and attention from other drivers.  Unfortunately, when a motor vehicle and a bicycle tangle, the rider usually comes out the CONTINUE READING →

Construction sites are some of the most dangerous places to work. If you’ve been injured in a construction accident, you’re probably wondering how to get compensation. Even if you are covered by workers’ compensation insurance, it may not fully cover the expenses incurred due to your injury. Accident lawsuits are governed by the Texas accident CONTINUE READING →

In the fast-paced, hi-tech society of today, drivers are faced with lots of distractions. From smartphones to booming bass speakers, remaining focused on the road is hard to do. According to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis, around ten Americans die each day in accidents involving a distracted driver. Another thousand receive significant injuries. With CONTINUE READING →

(Stefan Rousseau/PA via AP) Last week a young girl from the United Kingdom died while playing in a bounce house. The death occurred when a strong gust of wind lifted the bounce house, with the girl inside, into the air sending it soaring a mile away from its original location. Atmospheric science professor John Knox CONTINUE READING →

The Incredible Hulk Roller Coaster broke down at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, leaving 32 people stranded on the ride for several hours. The ride stalled 50 feet from the platform due to a glitch, and the passengers were alerted of the situation 10 minutes later. Some of the riders were able to escape onto a CONTINUE READING →

Almost 2 million people are rushed to emergency rooms every year because of head injuries. Examinations done by medical professionals reveal that most of these injuries result in concussions that affect the way a person processes and recalls information, as well as causing severe headaches. What most people want to really know is what actually CONTINUE READING →