May 12, 2014

Common Types Of Swimming Pool Injuries To Avoid This Memorial Day
Memorial Day normally signifies the beginning of summer and the start of the swimming season. Not everyone will enjoy swimming this holiday, as a number of people will become injured while in the pool. Here are some of the most common causes of swimming pool accidents you should be aware of in order to keep yourself and your family members safe.
Drownings Are Common
Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, a number of people will die from drowning in a swimming pool. A good number of these victims are children under the age of five. The fact that a pool is shallow does not mean a person cannot drown, as kids have even become drowning victims in wading pools.
Among adults, alcohol and drug use may also contribute to drowning. Those who are overly intoxicated should avoid getting into the water, as doing so could actually intensify the effects of the alcohol. Horseplay or water games such as “chicken” should also be avoided as well.
Common Injuries
Aside from drowning, a number of other injuries can take place inside a swimming pool, including:
- Having clothing, jewelry or fingers entangled in the drains
- Head injuries from diving into shallow water
- Collisions with foreign objects in the water
- Overexposure to the chemicals used to treat the water
- Slipping and falling on stairs or ladders
- Broken bones or dislocated joints from an above-ground pool that collapses
It’s also important for everyone in the pool to look out for one another so that tragedy can be avoided.
Preventing Swimming Pool Accidents
Owners of swimming pools must take reasonable precautions to prevent people from being injured, and some of the acts a “reasonable person” would be expected to do are:
- Keeping the pool in good repair
- Limiting access by enclosing the pool with a fence
- Posting warning signs where appropriate
- Providing adequate supervision for children and non-swimmers
- Ensuring that lifesaving devices are readily available
- Refusing to allow intoxicated guests to swim
- Keeping the area around the pool well-lit and maintained
Guests rarely ask questions about the safety of a pool, assuming that their host has taken care of everything properly beforehand. It is only after experiencing an injury that they begin to wonder whether or not negligence has actually occurred.
Getting Legal Assistance
If you or a loved one have been injured in a swimming pool, then it’s important for you to get legal assistance. The faster you start developing a case, the more likely you are to win as evidence disappears over time. Schedule your free case evaluation today by calling 713-222-1222.
*Image courtesy of